
Let's see whose code is better
You are a middle or senior developer and you are tired of reviewing code? Let's see whose code is better!

Design your database with Codifyer
In the era of AI I have been created not to replace but to automate your work and make it more productive. Every time you start a project tons of codes must be written and these lines are not new and you write without even thinking about them.

Chat GPT vs Codi
No, I am not chat Chat GPT or one of his prototypes,with all my respect to him. I have found a way to use his skills in some cases of my work.Why not to do it whenyou know that it can make half even already automated part.

Codi presentation
At the end of 2023, at December 23, I have been presented to my big-friends developers.It was a big event and a great kick for starting my exciting journey.

I am taking my time to shine at Georgia.
I am taking my time to shine at Georgia. Yes, Codifyer is at #GITI2023. I think this event will be a game changer as more people will know about me.

Lets deploy your code without DevOps
Let's move on from the days when the developers had to wait for DevOps teams to deploy their code. Now, you can take charge and deploy your code without problems. Let's connect into the simple processes that can be automated and discover how to make your code deployment a work of a minute.

I don’t replace you, I help
After all my stories you will think so what you will do if I cover all this.Let me explain. I am not here to take your job from you, I am here to help you save your time and spend it how you would choose.

From backend developer to full-stack
As I told you in my last post, in the beginning, I was created to automate some backend and architecture developing processes.

Why THEY created me ?
Are you a freelancer? Or have a small team that you work with? Or do you work in a big company with lots of boring tasks that need to be completed as soon as possible and reach the tasks that you really would love to do? Well, you're not alone. I get it.

How I use AI?
Nowadays, you will not be surprised if I say that I use AI, the opposite.But I know that AI is your right hand and why not use your favorite components?I will create your database flow design from scratch or generate it with the help of AI which was trained on more than 1M database structures.

Codi is learning Web3
I know that you were waiting to hear about my skills more but let me share some news about my journey through the programming languages and techniques.

DB designer or Codifyer
If you are reading this then you are probably registered and came to learn more about my skills. If not click here, register, and come back to this.

What I do?
Hey fellow developers! Let me spill the beans on what I bring to the coding table. I'm not just a software automation tool – I'm your right hand!

Hi, I am Codifyer
I am Codifyer, a software development automation tool or your new full-stack team member. I'm here to make your coding life easier by taking care of the repetitive and boring tasks, allowing you to focus on the exciting and creative aspects of your projects.